I'm having trouble with preferences. I like to fiddle with the setting on programs. And the i-type programs that come with the Mac seem to be short of fiddlability.
An example. In iMovie, you can save a still as a JPEG or a Macintosh PICT. But as far as I can tell, you can't set the compression settings for the JPEG, and none of the image editors I have on the PC will handle a PICT. Why can't we have JPEG settings, and a choice of an uncompressed cross-platform format like TIFF or PNG?
Another example. When you click 'advanced' on iTunes preferences, you're given the choice of which directory you'd like to store .mp3s in. This isn't exactly the sort of thing I think of as 'advanced'.
Omniweb, bless its little cotton socks, is much more the sort of program I'm looking for (or Radio for that matter). Easy as pie, but completely configurable for those that like that sort of thing.
9:40:22 AM