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January 03, 2005

Time To Ring Some Changes

Welcome to 2005, all. I have upgraded Movable Type (very hard, thanks) and have even paid for it, with only slight misgivings. It is clearly much better, but I did it solely because the comment spam was making the blog unusable. I hope to use the time saved not clearing comment spam to write constructive material on the blog instead, but who knows? I might just chill.

Update: At present, all comments seem to be coming up for moderation. I have no idea what is going on, and commenters aren't warned they've been put in a moderation queue. This isn't what I want; I'll try to sort it out.

Not resolutions exactly, but in 2005 I want to:

OK, perhaps not that last one.

Posted by Alison Scott at January 3, 2005 01:27 AM


Sorry, I took my melon baller home with me, so you may have to use some alternative implement.

Posted by: Mike Scott at January 3, 2005 08:22 AM

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