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April 14, 2008

Navigator Records

It's uncommon for a new record label to launch, signing only music I really like. However, Navigator Records is one such. This is a folk imprint of established indie label Reveal Records. I think it's a first for me; they have nine artists signed, and the only one I haven't seen live is the new collaboration Drever McCusker Woomble. I've seen them all individually though. Anyway, I'd thoroughly recommend any of this music. Not on emusic though (shame).

Posted by Alison Scott at April 14, 2008 03:30 PM


Thanks for the tip. Right now I'm whining about the cost of CDs imported from the UK though -- I just spent about USD $125 for five folk-ish CDs from amazon.co.uk and musicscotland.com. Besides the dollar's plunge, more and more of the CD budget is getting redirected into the gas tank. :/ No doubt sometime this year I'll have to start trawling eMusic, just so I can pay USD $4 per album instead of USD $25, but I still get cranky about MP3 sound.

Looking forward to the new Spiers and Boden.

Posted by: Ken Josenhans at May 7, 2008 02:11 AM

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