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December 09, 2006

Never Explain, Never Apologise

The underground is full of iPod shuffle ads that evoke the sense of wearable music. One of the commonest has three badges. Two I didn't immediately recognise, but the third is an OK Go badge. Now, most people on the underground aren't, I think, going to know that OK Go are famous on the interwebs. Therefore, I mused, this is the Apple ad designer's enormous shout-out to the band -- hey, you do cool videos!

This sort of hidden message in ads is becoming more and more common. For example, I noticed that tube ads for 'Flushed Away' invite you to text for "SLUGS ON UR MOBILE".

Plokta has been stuffed full of in-jokes for years. Our motto concerning them, and their explanations, is "Never Explain, Never Apologise". But now I realise they're not in-jokes at all, they're shout-outs. Much cooler.

Meanwhile, OK Go's video for "Here it Goes Again" has a Grammy nomination, as does the video for RHCP's "Dani California". I feel a bit embarrassed about the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I've been actively disliking them for years, and it was a bit of a shock to hear them on Jools Holland and really like the music. Perhaps I should buy some.

Posted by Alison Scott at December 9, 2006 11:38 AM


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