8. Weigh 2 stone less than I do now.
24 June 2007: That was embarrassing. In total I went up to 11 pounds more than I did when I wrote the list. But now that 11 pounds has gone, and I'm consistently showing a weight lower than when I started. Only a couple of pounds lower. But this is properly started now. And credit where credit is due; the last half stone of that has been lost since I got a copy of I Can Make You Thin
by Paul McKenna. So, I haven't been dieting or exercising, but I have been eating less and moving about more. I listen to the motivational CD on my iPod on the way in to work sometimes. Perhaps four times in total.
1 March 2007: Well, I'm being a bit more careful; let's see how it goes for a week.
26 February 2007: Ha! I weigh six pounds more than I did when I wrote that. I need to gird my loins. If I can find a big enough girdle.